
Transportation Permission Form

This form is required when a CASA transports a minor youth to whom they are assigned. It can be signed by either the PSW or the guardian/resource parent. We have found it expedient to have the PSW sign it so it is in force regardless of placement changes.

Human Services Agency (HSA) Transportation

HSA has drivers (called “Techs”) that provide transportation for youth to court manded family visits and other court mandated needs. Advocates should be in touch with the assigned PSW to request transportation for visits.

Uber Vouchers

SFCASA can provide Uber vouchers to Advocates and Non Minor Dependent youth served by CASA up to a maximum value of $75 per ride.

How to Request and Use

Please reach out to your Case Supervisor at least 24 hours prior to when the ride is needed with the following information:

1.       rider email address or cell phone #

2.       if request is for one-way or round trip travel

3.       pick up and drop off locations

4.       date (or date range) the ride is requested

5.       why the NMD or Advocate is not able to take public transportation and any other relevant context for the request.

A voucher will be sent to the email or phone of the rider, which they must use and access through the Uber app. Vouchers will cover the entire cost of the ride up to a maximum of $75.

When to Use Uber Vouchers for NMDs:

In general, using an Uber voucher for an NMD will be a supplemental resource appropriate for emergency, one-time, and short term transportation needs.

Uber vouchers are not appropriate for regular transportation to and from school, work, or other daily/weekly appointments.

ILSP provides transportation support to AB-12 NMDs. CASAs should work to get them registered at ILSP and then request transportation support. 


When to Use Uber Vouchers for Advocates:

Using an Uber voucher for an Advocate will be appropriate when you are not otherwise able to visit the youth you serve. The goal is to eliminate barriers to CASA/youth relationship building and visits.

Using an Uber voucher is not appropriate if an Advocate has a car but doesn’t want to drive (in other words, not to be used solely for convenience)

Advocates may use an Uber voucher for transportation together with their minor youth to and from an outing/event. The Advocate must be in the car the entire ride, as the vouchers are not appropriate for minors traveling alone per agreement with HSA-FCS policy.


Nora Landis-Shack