System Partners


Court Partners

Judicial Council

The Judicial Council is the policy making body of the California court system that partners with CalCASA for compliance and oversight. SFCASA, like all local CASA programs, must adhere to California Rule of Courts §5.655 in order to be in compliance with the Judicial Council.

Unified Family Court (UFC) Superior Court, County of San Francisco

SFCASA serves at the pleasure of the UFC and partners with the UFC to train, appoint, and supervise volunteer advocates to represent and report to the UFC on the best interests of a dependent and/or delinquent minor youth or non-minor young adult.

Dependency Panel

The San Francisco Bar Association oversees the Dependency Panel which appoints attorneys to parents facing allegations of abuse or neglect of their minor children, and minor children who may have been abused or neglected. SFCASA partners closely with panel attorneys and works hard to maintain positive and collaborative relationships with them.

Juvenile Public Defenders

Attorneys and Social Workers are appointed to minors in the Juvenile Justice system. SFCASA partners closely with Juvenile Public Defenders and works hard to maintain positive and collaborative relationships with them.

State, County and City partners

California Department of Social Services (CDSS)

CDSS is the state agency that, through funding, oversight and management of its programs, seeks serve, aid, and protect needy and vulnerable children and adults in ways that strengthen and preserve families, encourage personal responsibility, and foster independence by managing and funding its programs/

Human Services Agency/Family & Children Services (HSA/FCS)

HSA/FCS provides child welfare services and responds to reports of child abuse and neglect in San Francisco County. SFCASA Advocates work closely with social workers (PSWs) from HSA-FCS to support best outcomes for youth in the foster care system. Building and maintaining a collegial and positive relationship with the PSW on a youth’s case is a key aspect of the Advocate role.

  • HSA/FCS Staff Directory
  • HSA-FCS Educational Social Worker: waiting for new Ed. Social Worker 01/2022
  • HSA-FCS Public Health Nurse of the Day: 415-558-2656

Juvenile Probation Department (JPD)

JPD locates, develops, and administers programs for the assessment, education, treatment, appropriate rehabilitation and effective supervision of youth under the jurisdiction of the Department. SFCASA partners with JPD to match volunteer Advocates with minors and non-minor dependents in the Juvenile Justice system for support and advocacy.

SFCASA Advocates work closely with JPD Probation Officers and Social Workers to support best outcomes for youth in the Juvenile Justice system. Building and maintaining a collegial and positive relationship with professionals on a youth’s case is a key aspect of the Advocate role. Please see SFCASA’s Juvenile Justice Advocacy Strategies page for more information.

SF District Attorney - Victim Services

The Victim Services Division of the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office provides support and assistance to victims of crime and their families. Even if the victim is not cooperating with a prosecution, Victim Services provides advocacy, streamlines the process for collecting restitution and recouping compensation for financial losses when possible, and works tirelessly to support victims regain control over their lives.

Many foster youth served by SFCASA are eligible for Victim Services help with accessing financial restitution. If they do not want to file a police report for the crime, there is an alternative way to access victim services. CASAs may download the In Lieu Mental Health Form which a mental health professional may use to document the crime for eligibility purposes.

Nora Landis-Shack